Our ANZAC Day service was held this morning and we were blessed to have Mr Campbell Darby as a guest speaker from the Pomona-Cooroy RSL Sub-branch. Thank you to parent Mrs Patricia Geelan for organising Mr Darby to speak to our students, parents and staff. Mrs Geelan is the President of the Pomona-Cooroy RSL Sub-branch....Read More
Noosa Christian College Secondary Dux for 2021 was awarded to Alyssa Brownell. Alyssa received a Dux certificate and the award came with a cash prize. Alyssa also achieved 100% on all internal QCAA moderated assignments in Physics and Chemistry in Year 12. Alyssa’s 2021 awards were: Secondary College Dux Award, Year 12 Cultural Award, 2021...Read More
On Wednesday 4th May, twenty students in Years 7-10 participated at the District Cross Country Titles at The Big Pineapple in Woombye. The students cheered on their classmates and gave their best. It was a hot and humid day with the sun blaring down and temperatures reaching 27 degrees. But despite the tough track and...Read More